Dig the piano melody.
The piano melody is great, I really love the mood it gives.
I think you shouldn't make it play the same note repeatedly, real pianists can't play a repeated note with perfect volume all the time, maybe if you want to keep that, you can make the volume level more random. In fact, try to do that throughout the song.
I like the drum beats too, they really match the song.
The synth is great, it really adds on to the piano well. I just feel it can be a bit more stereo, maybe you can detune one side a bit?
Honestly, the drum beats are a bit off in terms of mixing, the kick seems to dominate the whole bass. Maybe adding some bass instruments will help balance the kick.
Overall, this is a great song, giving you a 10 for the awesome piano melody. =)
This would go into my mp3, but then, I'm not too fond of this genre, so.. meh.