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Kind of like it...

This is one great piano improvisation, I was kind of expecting it to be some weird nonsense, but it was better than I expected.
I notice the piano recording isn't that good though, when the sound peaks, there seems to be some clipping. Something most people don't like. It's also a bit out of timing.
Another thing is that you spammed the low notes. This gives an impression that the song sounds messy, at least to my taste..
Hmmm. Overall, this improv is spectacular, I think I won't ever play as good as you.. =/

CheckMark responds:

Thats exactly what I thought too, thats why I say its not very good. but it was a first take and I haven't even messed with recording in ages. But I did get some pretty cool Idea's. I'll be sure and start submiting more improvisation again.


The beginning was great. I like how the tension built up.
But suddenly, it went on to some weird bongo beat that didn't match the beginning part at all. In fact, I wouldn't really call this techno.
This song seems to be random song ideas put together. Kind of disorganized, if you asked me.
There's nothing much going on in this song. I think adding more stuff in the background, and not repeating the same melodies over and over again will make this better.

Sorry to be a bit harsh, but this was my honest opinion.

Spartanblu responds:

I value your opinion and will try to work on that in the future.

Your first??

Usually, a person's first song is kind of bad. But this... is actually decent!
I mean, its not exactly like it can become the top few songs of newgrounds, but it's decent enough to be put on an mp3 player..
I just find the synths kind of sound the same, so there isn't much variety in the song.
I think you kind of overloaded the bass too, maybe you should lower it a bit by eqing the song a bit.
Still, it's unbelievable that this is your first song.

Mechwarrior300 responds:

Lol Thanks :D! Actually I did use the same synthesizer for all the melodies. I kinda wanted to give the song the same tone (and also I was too lazy to spend another hour creating another instrument). As for the bass, I think I'm in love with low sounds so I'm sorry if it overpowered everything else :)



I find that the fact that there was only 6 patterns used, the song involved a lot of repetition.
If you gave the melody more variation by giving each variation a new pattern, I think this song would do much better.
I recommend you don't use preset sounds, like the default 4 sounds that come with fl. Go change them to another one of those samples in the fl browser.
Also, in my taste, I preferred if you varied the chord progression a bit. This makes it sound less repetitive.
Still, I like the melody, it'll make an awesome song if you redid this.

Darkfire96 responds:

Thanks for the awesome review. I actually did use another pattern for each melody, but it varied so little, its hard to see. The snare and clap were ok, but the hihat probably stood out to you. The kick i used wasnt default though. Its a friend's kick. If i EQ'd it you would here the difference. I might change the chord progression, but ill have to see of i can change something like that since Im far enough in the song. Nice to know u liked the melody though. I guess i might, but it depends on the time i have. Thanks again for an honest review!

Angels Gone Rogue
-DJ Chaos


Hmm.. I find the bass a bit too annoying. I don't know if you did that on purpose..

I like the melodies that you put into this song. =) Great synths too.

AetherFlaer responds:

Sorry you didn't like the bass, lol I didn't make it annoying on purpose, but i'm glad you liked everything else!


I kind of like the synths.. they fit well. And the melody is great.
But I find the panning a bit annoying, its weird to hear the bass on the left, and the melody on the right. Maybe you should not overdo the panning, for some of us use headphones and they are really obvious.

newrounds1 responds:

Like i said to the other that i use speakers. and then the subwoofer in the middle. So i havent noticed.. really :P sorry bout that. Hope you guys understand ^^


This song is pretty good.
But I find the synths a bit too repetive. Maybe you'd like to use different melodies, and maybe fade synths in and out.
Also, I notice you are using a really common chord progression. If you use it, try to make a good melody to go with it, rather than basing your melody on that progression.
Also, adding some drums would be nice. =) Especially since you call this a 'dance drum.' Try giving this a 4 on 4 kick. It'll sound nicer. And add some bass too.

This is a pretty decent song to me, I look forward to seeing your other songs.

djresset responds:

thanks for your onesty
sorry bad englich


I like this song... Its quite awesome.
I just find that this isn't exactly my style of music, but I shouldn't let my preferences get in the way =)
This would make a great background music while doing something like... relaxing..?

KKSlider60 responds:

Well, that was the purpose. xD
Thanks for your review,


This made me laugh a bit. I haven't heard that song for like... ages.
I have to say, your rendition of this song is awesome, it's quite fun to listen to.
I feel the use of the low pass filter at the middle of the song is a bit obstructive, it just doesn't really fit.
Also, try to vary the instruments. There's no variation in the instruments or the melody, so this gets quite repetitive and boring really quickly.
Great song though! =D

Maknib responds:

Thanks for the review.. i know it's a bit repetative but i really only wanted it to be a short quick rendition. i sort of like the low pass filter, to me it gives the effect of migration into a dance song and different rhythm (if you are talking about just as the first pattern finishes)

but thanks for the tips i'll remember them form when i do..hm.. Puff the magic dragon remix :P

A bit weird..

I find the instruments a bit weird and off timing, but despite it, it still has a great beat.
IMO, I feel this song can have a bit more bass. That's in my opinion. =)
This is still pretty good, though, Hope your future songs will be better!

GamekrazzyProduction responds:

Actually check out my previous songs. their good too. lol. Most of them are probably better. The instrumments are actually an Alto Saxaphone, a guitar, clap, hat, tom, and electric guitar. The Alto Sax had an Arpeggio. Basically toying with the pitch. The Electric Guitar also was done doing the same thing.

Learning musician and animator. Go check out my music!

Leroy @TeHLoY

Age 29, Male


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